What Every Roanoke Homeowner Ought To Know About Boxelder Bugs

There is a lot we can tell you about boxelder bugs. There are books filled with information about these insects. But we're guessing you didn't come here for a college biology lesson. You probably want to know how to safeguard the health of your family, protect your property, and keep these insects from getting into your home (if they haven't gotten in already). Well, you're in luck. That is exactly what we're going to talk about today.

Are Boxelder Bugs Dangerous?

Boxelder bugs have mouthparts that can break the skin on a piece of fruit and suck the juices out. While it is more difficult for them to pierce your skin, it is possible. Fortunately, it is very unlikely. You don't have any juice boxelder bugs are interested in. This is probably why boxelder bugs rarely bite humans and only do so in self-defense. If bitten, you have little to be concerned about. Boxelder bugs do not have venom, and they are not known to spread disease.
Another way an insect can be a danger to you is by spreading harmful bacteria from trash cans, dumpsters, trash piles, sewers, compost piles, dead animal carcasses, feces, and more. Boxelder bugs have no interest in being in any of these places. They live on boxelder trees and other maple trees. You may also find them on trees that bear fruit. While they prefer to eat tree seeds and developing leaves, they can feed on the juices of some fruits as well.

False Boxelder Bug

An insect looks a little bit like a boxelder bug, and it can present a threat to your family. It is called a kissing bug. The kissing bug has been found to spread Chagas disease. While both insects are almond-shaped and can have a fiery orange coloration, kissing bugs have a pointy snout differentiating them from a boxelder bug.

Protecting Property

There is currently no evidence that boxelder bugs damage homes or plants to any significant degree. They can, however, stain items with their feces. This can make them frustrating outside your home and even more frustrating to deal with when they get into your home. These stains can be difficult to clean. If you want to protect your property from boxelder bugs, the first step is to resist the urge to use some miraculous pest control tips from the internet. They don't work. One example is spraying soapy water on your exterior. While you can kill boxelder bugs by spraying soapy water on them, the water will dry, and the treatment will become inert if you apply it to the exterior of your home. It is far better to have a licensed pest control professional apply EPA-approved products that are residual. This will work to repel and eliminate boxelder bugs on your exterior before they get into your home.

How To Keep Boxelder Bugs Out Of Your Home

When these bugs explore your exterior, you want to make sure they don't find any tiny gaps or holes. If they do, they're going to get inside. Here are some common locations these insects find entry points:
  • Gaps in weatherstripping: All of your exterior doors should have rubber seals around them. These rubber strips keep the cool air in your home during the summer and the warm air during the winter. They also work to keep bugs out. If you have gaps, you'll need to replace the stripping or have your doors adjusted to make good contact all the way around.

  • Gaps around pipes: If you have pipes that pass through your foundation wall, you might have gaps around them that boxelder bugs will quickly exploit.

  • Cracks in foundation walls: While most cracks will not be deep enough to give boxelder bugs entry, some can be, especially if they are around windows.

  • Window and door frames: These are notorious entry points for all pests. Inspect the entire outside edge of all your door and window frames and use a caulking gun to seal gaps. All Pest Control & Solutions can help!

Once you've done what you can, reach out to All Pest Control & Solutions and ask us about our residential pest control packages. When you have routine service visits from one of our licensed and experienced pest control professionals, you'll have the protection you need to keep these frustrating pests out.

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